Wednesday 9 March 2016

Delayed registration on birth of a child in India

Delayed Registration of birth of a child

A. Timely registration
One has to register the birth of one's child with in 21 days from the date of birth.
1. Fill the pink form obtained from the hospital where your child is born, and return to them. They dispatch it to district hospital. It is mandatory for them to do.
2. Fill the white form (generally called the Birth Card) obtained from the hospital where your child is born. Get it signed from authorised signatory of the hospital.
3. Take the Birth Card to the registration office. Get the Registration Certificate Application form from there. Fill it and attach the Birth Card along with id-proof of both mother and father and submit it.
Pay the requisite fees and obtain the receipt.
4. The certificate will be issued in 8-10 days time.

B. If delayed beyond 21 days:-
1. Ensure from the hospital that they have dispatched the pink form as described in point no. 1 above.

2. Fill the white form (generally called the Birth Card) obtained from the hospital where your child is born. Get it signed from authorised signatory of the hospital.
3. Get an affidavit (format is given below) printed on a Rs. 10 stamp paper and get it notarised.
4. Write an application to the CMO (Chief Medical Officer) (format is given below).
5. Get the late fee challan from the Birth Death Registraion Deptt. in CMO office. Fill it and deposite it in the bank as specified. The fee usually is Rs. 10/-
6. Get the Registration Certificate Application form the above said department. Fill it.

7. Attch the above documents mentioned in point no.s 2, 3, 4, and 6 with the id-proof of both mother and father and get it allowed from the CMO. 

8. Before allowing it, the CMO staff will write the registration no. and registration date from the register maintained by them. Every birth in the area is recorded by them in that register on the basis of the pink form (as mentioned in point no. 1 above) reveived from various hospitals.

9. Take all the above said documents and submit it with the certificate issuing office. Pay the requisite fees (usually Rs. 30) and obtain the receipt.

10. The certificate will be issued in 8-10 days time.

Format of Affidavit:

I,< name>, age <age>29 years, s/o Sh. <fathers name>, r/o <address>, married to Mrs. <Wife's name>, after having been duly sworn to in accordance with law, do hereby depose and say:

1.      That I am the applicant for the delayed registration of the birth of my child named< Child name, if any>.
2.    That she was born on <date of birth of child> at <time of birth> to my wife, Mrs. <Wife's name>.
3.      Sex of the child is <sex of child>.
4.      That she was attended at birth by the staff at <Hospital name, with address>.
5.      That the reason for the delay in registering her birth was due to confusion and non-deliberate mistake.
6.      That I am the father of the said person.

It is also stated that there has been a delay of approx. <delayed time in months and weeks> in applying for the said certificate.
It is further stated that the delay in applying for the said certificate is not deliberate and only due to above mentioned reason and none other.



Verified at <name of place> on this __th day of __________, 2013, that the content of my above affidavit are all true and correct to my knowledge. No part of it is false and nothing material has been concealed there from.


Format of application to CMO:-

The CMO,
<City name>,
Distt. <distt. name>.

Respected Sir,

I, I, <name>, age <age>29 years, s/o Sh. <fathers name>, r/o <address>, and my wife Mrs. <Wife's name> were blessed with a <sex of child> child on <date of birth of child> at <time of birth>at <Hospital address with name> and was named <Child name, if any> thereafter.
I was supposed to apply for the registration of the birth of my child within 21 days of her birth, a fact which didn’t come to my knowledge in time and as a result I could not apply for the said registration in time due to utter confusion and non-deliberate mistake.
It is to bring to your kind notice that the delay in applying for the said registration is not deliberate and only due to above mentioned reason and none other. I hereby apply to your kind office to kindly allow me to apply for the said registration. I have deposited the requisite fees and attached the required affidavit and documents.
I shall be highly obliged.

Thanking you,
Dated:< date>

<phone no., if available.>

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